Dan nezavisnosti Bosne i Hercegovine – Ne postoji

10710773_1480072835593230_7898466341478747167_nВелика већина Срба је бојкотовала референдум, те је излазност била 63,7% грађана СР БиХ, од чега је 92,7% гласало за независност. Тадашњи законски услов за афирмацију резултата референдума је био да на референдум изађе више од двије трећине грађана (више од 66%), те да исти број афирмативно гласа.[1] Овај услов није испуњен. Политички представници Срба су овај референдум прогласили неважећим. Скупштина није никад прогласила независност.

На дан 1. марта 1992, други дан референдума, припадник Зелених беретки Рамиз Делалић је пуцао на српску свадбену поворку на Башчаршији и притом убио младожењиног оца Николу Гардовића. Као одговор на ово убиство, наоружани Срби су исте вечери подигли барикаде по Сарајеву, а у раздобљу од 1. до 5. марта подигли су барикаде поред Сарајева и у још неким градовима (Шамац, Дервента, Оџак). Муслимани су контролисали центар Сарајева, док су Срби контролисали остатак града, као и узвишења око њега. Након апела јавности, Радован Караџић и Алија Изетбеговић су 3. марта одржали састанак у штабу ЈНА у центру Сарајева уз посредовање генерала ЈНА Милутина Кукањца. Након оштре расправе, Караџић и Изетбеговић су се сагласили да ред у граду одржавају мјешовите патроле ЈНА и полиције. Међутим, током марта уследила су пушкарања и барикаде по појединим градовима и том приликом настрадало је више десетина особа. Започео је рат у Босни и Херцеговини, који је као коначан исход,

Turkey Unusual Behaviour in Foreign Affairs

Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said Saturday that Turkey knew the European Union (EU).

ISTANBUL– Speaking at the Session of Ministers as part of the “World Turkish Entrepreneurs Congress” in Istanbul, Davutoglu said that Turkey “was playing with the rules of the EU”.

Davutoglu said that the EU wanted “biometric passports, integrated border management and a readmission agreement from Turkey”.

We have worked with our relevant institutions and began distributing biometric passports in six months. We have taken crucial steps for an integrated border management. The readmission agreement is now ready for signature. We have asked the EU to appoint a commissioner so we can begin discussing visa exemptions. They told us to sign the readmission agreement and that they would deal with the visa issue later, Davutoglu said.

We now know the EU. We are playing with EU’s rules. We will never sign the readmission agreement unless we receive visa exemption, Davutoglu said. If there is no visa, there is no signature, Davutoglu also said.

Very unusual declaration of one minister of foreign affairs, and very unusual behavior of one country pretending to be part of European Union.  It is wort to mention that this is the same person and political elite declaring it’s intention to help Balkan nations to sort out their political differences. This should be a wake up call for our politicians to pay a special attention in dealing with them.


Libya Triebes Will Decide Muammar Qaddafi’s Political Future.

Libya Triebes Will Decide Muammar Qaddafi’s Political Future

Bosniak Islamic Leader with GadafyAs Libya teeters on the edge of civil war, with antigovernment protesters and defected soldiers now controlling the oil-rich east, eyes are turning to the North African nation’s more than 140 tribes and clans that will likely decide the political future of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi.

His son admitted as much Sunday in a state television address. “Unlike Egypt and Tunisia, Libya is made up of tribes, clans, and alliances,” Saif al-Islam said, warning of civil war if the tribal fabric breaks down. Indeed, Libya is considered one of the most tribal nations in the Arab world.

“In Libya, it will be the tribal system that will hold the balance of power rather than the military,” Alia Brahimi, head of the North Africa program at the London School of Economics, told Abu Dhabi-based newspaper The National.

Several leaders have openly turned against Mr. Qaddafi, though he claims to retain support from “all the tribes.”

In any case, their strength today is unclear. While the tribes were instrumental in fighting Ottoman and Italian rule, Qaddafi’s greatest and most lasting accomplishment may prove to be stripping them of their political power as modernization also diluted their importance. The current chaos, however, has given them a window to reassert their importance. read more……

Courting Russia

Germany should lead in forging a new European approach toward Russia

Russia’s uncertain place in Europe is the greatest structural challenge to both reform in Russia and European security. Tension with Moscow keeps Europe divided and destabilizes it like no other factor. By stamping her imprint on a rejuvenated Europe-Russia alliance, Angela Merkel could cement a place for herself in the history books.

Germany can—and must—play a special part in getting Russia-EU relations back on track. Traditionally, Russian-German relations are considered Russia’s closest and most comprehensive outside of the post-Soviet Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Germany is its biggest trade partner and fifth largest foreign investor. The largest share of Russia’s imports comes from Germany and Russia is Germany’s twelfth most important trading partner. Energy interdependence is even stronger: 40 percent of German gas imports and 33 percent of oil imports come from Russia. more….

Merkel’s Plan

Angela Markel

Angela Markel

German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to stabilize the euro through a “pact for competitiveness” that would force EU members to coordinate their national policies on issues like tax, wages and retirement ages. The plan would transform the EU if it becomes reality, but resistance will be fierce — including from within Merkel’s own governing coalition.

A New Merkel

Above all, it would mark the emergence of a new German chancellor. Up until now, Merkel has shown herself to be exceedingly hesitant in dealing with the euro crisis. After all, she has never been a fully committed supporter of the European project. During her early life in communist East Germany, before the fall of the Berlin Wall, Merkel was mainly interested in West Germany and the US, which she regarded with a sense of longing. Yet she didn’t lend nearly as much attention to the region that lay between these two countries. more….